Cédric Elst - FAROS Law Firm

Cédric Elst


  +32 (0)2 580 18 14
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“Amid a steady influx of new antitrust investigations coupled with the entrance into force of novel legal instruments (i.e., FSR and DMA), companies are navigating an increasingly complex landscape and are increasingly seeking practical and concise legal guidance. At Faros, I am dedicated to helping clients address intricate challenges while continually enhancing my expertise in competition law.”

- Cédric Elst -


Cédric advises clients on European and Belgian competition law matters.

Prior to joining Faros, Cédric completed a Blue Book traineeship at the transport, post & other services merger unit of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Competition (“DG COMP”). During the traineeship, Cédric obtained experience in EU merger control and assisted the case teams on two phase II mergers. Cédric also worked at a large international consultancy and a law firm where he specialized in trade and customs law.

Cédric joined the Faros-team in 2024.

Cédric is a member of the Brussels bar.




Cédric holds a bachelor and master’s Law & Economics degree from the Utrecht University and a master’s degree in Corporate & Commercial law from Maastricht University.


Cédric regularly contributes to publications on competition law.


Cédric speaks Dutch, French and English.