

Our books

Handboek Gegevensbescherming in de diepte & in de praktijk (DUTCH)
Protection des données Analyse approfondie et pratique (FRENCH)
Horizontal agreements - Block exemptions & Horizontal Guidelines – Toolbook
Vertical Block Exemption Regulation – Toolbook

Handboek Gegevensbescherming in de diepte & in de praktijk (DUTCH)

Anouk Focquet - Sofie Deprez - Julie Mannekens, LeA Publishers, 2024, 366p.

‘Data Protection Handbook in Depth & Practice’ is a must read for corporate lawyers, attorneys, other practitioners and students in need of a practical guide on the partial aspects of data protection law applicable to private entities. The handbook allows to understand and apply Belgian data protection rules and procedures.

The strength of the book lies in its exhaustive nature, which translates into, among other things, the inclusion of all relevant decisions of the GBA and CJEU. Furthermore, the book is truly practice-oriented, far from avoiding the difficult topics and issues of data protection law.

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Protection des données Analyse approfondie et pratique (FRENCH)

Anouk Focquet - Sofie Deprez - Julie Mannekens, Anthemis, 2024, 372p.

‘Data Protection Handbook in Depth & Practice’ is a must read for corporate lawyers, attorneys, other practitioners and students in need of a practical guide on the partial aspects of data protection law applicable to private entities. The handbook allows to understand and apply Belgian data protection rules and procedures.

The strength of the book lies in its exhaustive nature, which translates into, among other things, the inclusion of all relevant decisions of the GBA and CJEU. Furthermore, the book is truly practice-oriented, far from avoiding the difficult topics and issues of data protection law.

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Horizontal agreements - Block exemptions & Horizontal Guidelines – Toolbook

Emmelie Wijckmans - Frank Wijckmans - Maaike Visser - Karolien Francken - Annemie Van De Vliet - Morgane Smets - LeA Publishers, 2023, 328p.

This guide provides a road map to Regulations 2023/1066 and 2023/1067 and the 2023 Horizontal Guidelines. It presents in addition the new legislative texts in a manner that is easy-to-read and easy-to-consult. Applying the new rules to your practice becomes easier thanks to these practical tools.

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Vertical Block Exemption Regulation – Toolbook

Frank Wijckmans - Karolien Francken, LeA Publishers, 2022, 123 p.

This guide provides a road map to Regulation 2022/720 and the 2022 Vertical Guidelines. It presents in addition the new legislative texts in a manner that is easy-to-read and easy-to-consult. Applying the new rules to your practice becomes easier thanks to these practical tools.

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Bos Door De Bomen – Gegevensbescherming (Dutch)

Anouk Focquet - Sofie Deprez - Julie Mannekens, LeA Publishers, 2022, 300 p.

This book is presumably the most practical guide available to understand and apply the Belgian rules and procedures on data protection. It serves as a reference work for both specialists and general practitioners. Students with an interest in data protection are well-advised to take this book at hand.

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Bos Door De Bomen – Mededingingsrecht (Dutch)

Frank Wijckmans - Filip Tuytschaever - Emmelie Wijckmans - Herlinde Burez, LeA Publishers, 2022, 377 p.

This book is the ultimate guide for in-house lawyers, general practitioners and students in the fields of European and Belgian competition law. It is written in clear language and is filled with practical examples. Getting to understand and apply competition law was never made easier.

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Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law

Frank Wijckmans - Filip Tuytschaever, Oxford University Press, 2018, 496 p.

This book is often referred to as the “bible” in this area of competition law practice and covers all types of distribution and supply relationships. It is in its 3d edition and a 4th edition is being prepared. The book has been translated in no less than 10 languages.

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